Knowledgebase Categories
Enrollments Launch Kit for Providers
Enrollments Launch Kit: Overview
Enrollments Launch Kit: Website
Enrollments Launch Kit: Tours
Enrollments Launch Kit: Events
Enrollments Launch Kit: Social Media
Enrollments Launch Kit: Parent Referrals
Enrollments Launch Kit: Templates and Printables
Enrollments Launch Kit: How to Convert Interests into Enrollments
I'm starting a brand new program
How to Get Your License
Setting Up Your Business Operations
Preparing Your Child Care Environment
- Environment 101
- Considerations for Setting Up Program and Environment by Age
- Setting Up Play and Learning Centers
- Childproofing Your Home
- Prepare Your Emergency Backpack
- Comparisons of Montessori, Reggio Emilia and Waldorf Models
How to Hire Assistants
Gathering Enrollments
Enrolling Children
Intro to Your Program Dashboard
Information on Subsidized Care
Wonderschool Support
Wonderschool 2.0: CACFP Food Program
Wonderschool 2.0: Support Videos
- How to Add your EIN number for Parent Yearly Statements
- How to Edit your website(Video)
- Adding Your Deposit Account in Wonderschool 2.0 (Video)
- Creating a One-Time Invoice in Wonderschool 2.0 (Video)
- Creating a Recurring Billing Plan in Wonderschool 2.0 (Video)
- Parent Experience: Paying Invoices through Wonderschool 2.0 (Video)
Wonderschool 2.0: Account Basics
Wonderschool 2.0: Setting Up Your Account
- How does Wonderschool keep my information secure?
- Adding Students to Wonderschool 2.0
- Managing staff: Adding or Removing Teachers and Staff on Wonderschool 2.0
- I work at a program that uses Wonderschool 2.0. How do I join their account?
- Adding Classrooms to Wonderschool 2.0
- KinderConnect Integration/Management Process
Wonderschool 2.0: Enrollments and Student/Parent Information
Wonderschool 2.0: Billing Support
- Setting Up Invoices
- Payment Processing Fees
- How to Refund an Invoice Payment
- How to update your debit card/bank account on Wonderschool
- Payment and Payout Processing Timelines
- How to Add Your Bank Account in Wonderschool 2.0
Wonderschool 2.0: Using the Mobile App
- Wonderschool 2.0 Recommended Devices
- Activity Type: Sending a Broadcast
- Sending a mass message (Note) to all parents
- Downloading and Logging into the Wonderschool 2.0 App
- Using Clock In / Clock Out for Teachers and Staff in the Wonderschool 2.0 App
- Checking in/out Students with the Wonderschool 2.0 App
Wonderschool 2.0: Your Program Website
Wonderschool 2.0: Reports
Wonderschool 2.0: Parent Experience
- Parent Portal
- Using Messaging on the Wonderschool 2.0 App for Parents
- What happens when a parent is invited to Wonderschool 2.0?
- How can parents download the Wonderschool 2.0 app?
- How can parents view their child's activity logs in the Wonderschool 2.0 app?
- How can parents check in/check out their children using the Wonderschool 2.0 app?
Wonderschool 2.0: My Wonderschool Website
Wonderschool 2.0: Provider Resources
¡Wonderschool en Español!
Videos de Wonderschool 2.0
- Matricular a un nuevo estudiante en Wonderschool 2.0 (video)
- Agregar su cuenta bancaria a Wonderschool 2.0 (video)
- Agregar padres o tutores adicionales a Wonderschool 2.0 (video)
- Crear un plan de facturación recurrente en Wonderschool 2.0 (video)
- Subir documentos a Wonderschool 2.0 (video)
- Crear una factura única en Wonderschool 2.0 (video)
Basicos de su cuenta de Wonderschool 2.0
- Trabajo en un programa que usa Wonderschool 2.0. ¿Cómo me uno a su cuenta?
- Iniciar sesión en su cuenta Wonderschool 2.0
- Cómo restablecer su contraseña en Wonderschool 2.0
- ¿Cómo Wonderschool 2.0 mantiene segura mi información?
- Agregar salones a su cuenta de Wonderschool 2.0
- Agregar maestros a Wonderschool 2.0
El Wonderschool 2.0 App
- Descarga e inicio de sesión en la aplicación Wonderschool 2.0
- Cómo cambiar la configuración de idioma en la aplicación Wonderschool 2.0
- Cómo activar las notificaciones de Wonderschool 2.0
- Publicación de actividades en la aplicación Wonderschool 2.0
- Usando el check in en Wonderschool 2.0
- Uso del reloj de entrada y salida para profesores y personal en la aplicación Wonderschool 2.0
Inscripciones en Wonderschool 2.0
Pagos y más en Wonderschool 2.0
- Cómo agregar tu cuenta bancaria en Wonderschool 2.0
- ¿Por qué necesita información personal para verificar mi cuenta bancaria?
- Asegurarse de que el pago automático esté configurado para los padres en Wonderschool 2.0
- Edite la configuración de pago automático en Wonderschool 2.0
- Cómo configurar facturas en Wonderschool 2.0
- Cómo actualizar el estado de una factura
Sitio Web en Wonderschool 2.0
¡Lecciones en español!
Wonderschool 2.0 para padres
- ¿Cómo puede un padre agregar un método de pago a su cuenta de Wonderschool?
- ¿Cómo pueden los padres ver los registros de actividad de sus hijos en la aplicación Wonderschool 2.0?
- ¿Cómo pueden los padres descargar la aplicación Wonderschool 2.0?
- Gestión de recorridos a través de Wonderschool 2.0
- Visualización de registros de actividades y actualidades en Wonderschool 2.0
- Usando Check In/Out en Wonderschool 2.0
Otros recursos para proveedores
I'm a Wonderschool parent
Finding a Wonderschool
Being Enrolled in a Wonderschool
Wonderschool 2.0 for Parents
- My child care program uses Wonderschool 2.0. How do I join them?
- Downloading the Wonderschool 2.0 App
- Using Check In/Check Out in Wonderschool 2.0 for Parents
- Viewing Activity Logs in Wonderschool 2.0
- How to Add a Payment Method (Wonderschool 2.0)
- Viewing and Paying Your Invoices in the Wonderschool 2.0 App
Subsidized Care