Before, During, and After Tours
Before Tours
- If a parent schedules a tour through Wonderschool, it is best practice to message them through the app to give them any specific instructions about parking, arrival, etc.
- Make sure your space is tidy and clean! Consider having flyers available for them to take home.
During Tours
Here is the typical outline of a tour:
- [5 min] Arrival and Introductions - Ask the family about themselves and what they’re looking for!
- [10-15 min] Tour the Space - Use your tour outline as a framework to make sure you hit all of the key points.
- [10 min] Questions - This is for both you and the family to ask questions! For you, confirm the basics and where they are in their childcare search. You can broach the subject of tuition by asking if they have any reservations about enrolling in your program. Give them space to ask you any questions they may have, and remember that it’s ok if you don’t know everything right away! You can always follow up with them later.
- [5 min] The Close - If you think they would be a good fit for your program, let them know that you would like to send them an enrollment offer. Follow up by sending them an invitation link through the Wonderschool Website.
After Tours
After a family tour, it is best to follow up with them! This can be a few hours after or the next day, and can be done directly through messaging in Wonderschool. A quick follow up to encourage them to apply can go a long way in converting them to your program.
Additional Resources
- How to Set Up Tours on your Wonderschool Website (detailed), Set Up Tours (summary)
- Thorough webinar on Tour Best Practices
- Tips & Tricks for Virtual Tours
To download the complete Enrollments Launch Kit, visit this article here.
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