Adding Students to Wonderschool 2.0
You can watch this video to learn how to add a student on your account:
In your dashboard, click on the "School Management" from the left-side menu and select "Students".
Select Add a new student to add an individual student.
- To bulk upload students to your dashboard, learn how using this article!
- To bulk upload students to your dashboard, learn how using this article!
- You have two options to add a student:
- A brand new family who has not reached out through your Wonderschool website.
- A family from your interested tab that would have sent you a message or toured your program through your Wonderschool website.
- If they are a brand new family, add in the details of the parent information. You can add more than one parent if you have more than one contact for the student.
- On this new page, you can select the room this student will be added to. If you are a family child care and you do not have rooms, you will can choose "Primary Room".
Select the date in the calendar of when this student would enroll with you.
If you choose today's date or a date in the past, the status of the student is enrolled.
if you choose a date in the future, we will automatically enroll the student IF you keep the checkmark box "Automatically enroll student on this date" as check marked. If you choose to uncheck the box, the student will be in "pending" status until you change the status manually to enroll or unenrolled.
- Click "Add student and Continue"
At this point the student has been added to your list and you will continue by sharing the "enrollment documents" such as enrollment forms with the parent.
- To learn how to upload enrollment documents to your dashboard, click here.
- Choosing at least a document is a document is required. If you don't want to share any documents with the families at this point, click on "Don't send enrollment documents".
- Schedule is required. Select the desired schedule for the student and click on "continue.
Pro tip: checking marking the box "Select only weekdays", will automatically select all weekdays. Click on "Continue" - On this page, we will help you set up tuition recurring payments and one-time invoices.
Choose a billing cycles :
* Weekly
* Bi-weekly
* Monthly
Due date is when you usually charge for the tuition.
Billing for "The upcoming [cycle]" will create due date at the beginning of cycle and billing for "The previous [cycle]" will create due date at the end of the cycle.
You have the option to add discount or fees to a recurring payment by clicking on "+ Add fee/discount "
A discount might be sibling discount/military discount/etc. and a fee might be meal fee/diaper fees/etc. You have the option of typing your own description for the fee/discount.
The fees will add to amount every cycle to the tuition and discount will deduct amount from the tuition every cycle.
If the enrollment date is today or in the future and due date don't fall on the same day, we will take care of prorating the first invoice and will calculate the amount for you.
If the enrollment date is in the past, we don't create any prorated amount.
If you need to change the prorated amount, you can click on "Edit this amount" which will allow you to choose another amount for the prorated amount.
You can also set up a One-time enrollment fees by clicking on "+ Add one-time fee". You can choose from the drop down options or starting typing your own description for the one time fee.
You also have the option of marking a student as subsidy which will turn on another toggle This family will pay a subsidy copayment", if you toggle this off, that means the student is 100% on subsidy
and we won't create any recurring tuition plan.
- Alternatively, if you don't want to create any recurring plan or one-time invoices, you can click on the button "Set up Invoices Later" which will skip the billing step and will take you to the review page.
- Click "Review" will take you to the review page where you can see all the information you have added.
- You can add personal notes to the email that is being sent to the parent to create an account and view their enrollment document on the parent portal.
After clicking on "Send Enrollment Invitation" you are able to see a summary page of actions that have been taken including creating a recurring plan and a one-time invoice and the parent will receive an email with the instruction to create a parent account.
If you need help adding students, please reach out to us at!
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